Office Space


Hot Desk

Casual Hot Desks In Vibrant CBD Space

Daily hot desk at Muy Muy

Listing information Listing information

44 Welles Street

Christchurch City Centre - Christchurch City

400 m2

Total Area (m2)

1 - 50 People

Space available




Come and park up for a couple of hours, daily or weekly at Muy Muy, to get some work done. We are a venue that can host up to 300 but up until 5pm Monday-Friday, we have space available for hot-desking.

The best part is, you can rent a hot desk at no charge! We are offering our space to those who are simply looking for a workspace during the day, casually or a short term solution.

Perch up at one of the individual tables or a booth that is suitable for teams of up to 5. Coffee and morning/ afternoon tea can be purchased on site. We have spaces for 1 - 50 people.

With capacity to host meetings, the booths are suitable for this as they are semi-private.

Contact the ream today to book your hot desk or for more information.


Amenities & Services

High Speed Internet
Coffee / Tea
Air Conditioner


Listing Number:12886
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Muy Muy 44 Welles Street

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