Office Space


For Lease


Private Office

Affordable Private Offices - Available Now!

Freshly renovated, private suite, 3 offices plus open plan area - 45m2

Listing information Listing information

Caerphilly Place

Woolston - Christchurch City

40 - 50 m2

Total Area (m2)

2 - 5 People

Space available




Are you looking for a private and freshly renovated office space in Christchurch? Look no further than our 45m2 office in Woolston! Our office space is perfect for small businesses and or regional sales teams who want an affordable and professional workspace.

Our rates are economical and include a range of amenities to help you run your business smoothly. The license fee includes power for heating, cooling, lighting, and other utilities. You'll also have access to our shared boardroom, which is perfect for meetings or presentations.

We want to ensure that your office space is always clean and tidy, so we provide commercial cleaning services twice weekly. You'll also have access to cafeteria supplies and hygiene provisions, making it easy to take care of your basic needs throughout the day.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to rent a private and freshly renovated office space in Christchurch. Contact us today to arrange a viewing!


Amenities & Services

High Speed Internet
Meeting Space
24/7 Access
Coffee / Tea
Mail Service
Air Conditioner


Listing Number:12551
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Sam Stokes Caerphilly Place
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