Car Park Space





Covered car park space on Tory St/Jessie St

Secure, convenient car park off street in private residential building

Listing information Listing information

38 Jessie Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011

Te Aro - Wellington City

$295 /mth
$70 /wk
9 m2

Total Area (m2)




Available immediately.

Easy walk to CBD and Courtenay Place. Steps to Moore Wilsons and Tory St cafes. Secure space in a car stacker. Park is off street in a private residential building. Long term renters preferred.

Rent $70/week inc gst or $295/month inc GST for longer leases

$30 deposit for garage door opener required (this will be refunded when lease ends if returned in working order).

Note your car must fit into these dimensions for the space to be suitable as park is in a car stacker space:
Maximum Vehicle Dimensions
Length - 5m
Width - 1950 mm
Height - 2050m
Weight - 2400 kg

Space is secure and has security cameras. Only those with building access can enter garage.

Email to inquire.



Listing Number:10851
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Nick Beaudoin 38 Jessie Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Call lister

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