Office Space




Dedicated Desk


Private Office

Wellington Basin Desk Space Available

Space for a good cause.

Sorry, this space is currently not available on Sharedspace.
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Listing information Listing information

45 Rugby street

Mount Cook - Wellington City

30 m2

Total Area (m2)

1 - 6 People

Space available




We have a few days available in our office space - Monday, Tuesday and Fridays

We are a charity - with all rent payable going directly to charity.

The space would be perfect for those businesses looking for a base one or two days a week and want to use the whole space, or an individual looking for space who can come in and use a desk. We are open to your suggestions!

Bring your own laptop and set up for the day.

Contact me for further information

TEST MATCH CRICKET 29th - 4th March - Take over the space for your corporate team! Rent out this space as your very own corporate box to this sold out event - with all funds going to charity.

Get in touch today.


Amenities & Services

High Speed Internet
Meeting Space
Air Conditioner


Listing Number:13447
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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